Aboriginal group wants to return PM's shoe

Julia Gillard. Photo Reuters
Julia Gillard. Photo Reuters
A newly established Aboriginal advocacy group says it wants to return Prime Minister Julia Gillard's shoe after she lost it while running a gauntlet of protesters in Canberra on Australia Day.

About 200 protesters trapped Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in a Canberra restaurant before police arrived to clear a passage for the pair.

The protesters, from the nearby Aboriginal Tent Embassy, banged on the three glass sides of The Lobby restaurant chanting "shame" and "racist".

The First Nations Parliament says it's an organisation which will be re-established as a result of the Tent Embassy 40th anniversary celebrations on Australia Day.

The group says police bundled the Prime Minister out of the venue, knocking her to the ground in their haste.

They said Aboriginal protesters were assaulted by police.

"We're appalled at the violence we saw today directed against the Prime Minister, and the tactics police employed to try and intimidate members of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, who were peacefully protesting at a family gathering," the groups spokesman Paul Coe said in a statement late on Thursday night.

"The only violence came from police. There was no risk to the Prime Minister of Australia.

"No-one here would have hurt the Prime Minister. Even the opposition leader was safe.

He said the group would return the shoe to her as a gesture of friendship and in the spirit of cooperation.

"We hope she will turn up here tomorrow to accept it in the same spirit," he said.

Mr Coe said the First Nations Parliament would be established within a year.

"We're sending letters out to our lawmen and women asking them to meet with First Nations to convene our parliament and to draft our constitution," he said.

Four Aboriginal men set up the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, opposite Old Parliament House in Canberra, on January 27, 1972, camping underneath a beach umbrella in protest of the McMahon Liberal government's refusal to recognise Aboriginal land rights.

Over the years the issues of sovereignty became central to the embassy's ongoing protest.

Tensions boiled over on Thursday afternoon following comments by Mr Abbott who said that it was time for Tent Embassy to be taken down.

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