My fave holiday: Dame Sukhi Turner

Dame Sukhi Turner. Photo: ODT
Dame Sukhi Turner. Photo: ODT
DAME SUKHI TURNER reflects on one of her most memorable holidays.

I can't really go past memories of holidaying in Wanaka in the 1980s with the children.

One year we thought that we would get out of the maddening pace of pre-Christmas organisation and come here earlier and just have Christmas on our own.

So we went to Hawea. There was not a soul in sight because, of course, everyone was doing their Christmas thing.

It was the most idyllic day. The sun was shining, it was calm, and we just spread our stuff on the beach and had the most wonderful day, even doing a bit of fishing. Though we didn't catch anything, it was just so peaceful and it just felt like we were there on our own.

I think we ate very non-Christmas food. We had a little fold-out barbecue and boiled eggs, and probably no dessert because I don't think our chilly bin was big enough.

It was very relaxed and a lot of family came to visit. There was always someone with a little tent on the lawn.

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