Many disconnected from nature

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
Many of us have become largely disconnected from nature and seasons, life coach Brian Johnston says.

''Modern work life demands that most of us work indoors, glued to computer screens with little or no natural light,'' Mr Johnston, who is also personal performance and development coach at the University of Otago, says.

The negative impacts are numerous.

''Part of the season's natural rhythm is to rest in the winter and replenish ... for spring. And yet we often continue to work at the same pace, the same hours and with the same stressful circumstances. We seem unable to slow down and rest and replenish.

''A lack of a life-work balance creates stress, anxiety, disturbed sleeping patterns and often unhealthy eating habits.''

Conversely, a greater awareness of and connection with seasons can help us ''listen to the ebb and flow ... and realise it's not all about doing''.

Mr Johnston suggests eating local produce in season and spending more time outdoors are good ways to begin reconnecting with the natural world.

''Playing in the snow, battling against a rainstorm rather than watching nature's wonders from indoors gives us perspective, energy and purpose.''


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