In its heyday, the guild, which was set up in the 1970s, had about 300 members, Mrs Ruffell, who has been president for the past decade, says.
These days, membership is down to five and Mrs Ruffell, who turns 70 later this month, is the youngest of the group.
What is one strong childhood memory?
Christmas holidays at Harwood, on Otago Peninsula, in a crib my dad built. Wonderful times with family and friends, swimming and playing ball.
What smell do you find irresistible?
The smell of bacon cooking.
What is your least favourite thing about humanity?
Greed. Because there is enough food to feed everyone, but it isn't distributed fairly because of corruption and war.
What is your message?
Everyone seems to be so busy. I'd love everyone to slow down, look at the beauty around us and care for those in need.
If you were going to an island and could only take three things, what would they be and why?
My husband, my best friend, for company. My toothbrush, because I can't bear not to have clean teeth. And my Bible, for support.