5 questions with: Kate Vercoe


Kate Vercoe is general manager of the Otago Farmers Market. 

What was the best birthday present you ever received, and why?

When I first met my husband, Terry, he gave me a birthday month. I was spoilt and indulged for the whole of the month. Understandably, I found this concept to be enormously appealing!

What smell do you find irresistible?

Every year, I grow sweet peas because I adore their scent. I had my first garden as an 8-year-old and I grew sweet peas with the help of my dad. These days, the perfume of sweet peastransports me to a place rich with love and memories.

If you were going to an island and could take only three things, what would they be and why?

I would take seed potatoes because the potato would have to be one of the easiest and mostuseful things to grow and I love eating them; a fishing net because, again, I am thinking of mystomach; and, a library because I have to keep my brain engaged, right?

What's something only your family knows about you?

That I rock out on my ukulele and sing at the top of my voice when I am home alone. And, no, I am not about to start busking at the market!

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour are you, and why?

I am a rainbow because diversity is something I value more than just about anything else. Ifpeople respected differences, the world would be in much better shape.

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