What's on this week in the gardening world.
Saturday, July 27
The Dunedin Horticultural Society's annual meeting will be held in the Wesley St Methodist Church hall (off the car park) at 2pm. All members are encouraged to attend. Everyone welcome. For more information, phone Susan on 488-4054.
Friday, August 2
HortTalk: Note new venue from now on, Information Centre, lower Dunedin Botanic Garden, by Croque café, at 12 noon. Master compost tea brewer Ray Annan on how compost tea can help tap into soil nutrient reserves. Preliminary results will be shared from the past three years' application to Dunedin Botanic Garden and Octagon plane trees.
Saturday, August 3
Botanical Society of Otago field trip to volcanic peak Mt Watkin/Hikaroroa, northwest of Waikouaiti. Meet at botany department car park 8.30am. Mt Watkin / Hikaroroa Reserve example of dry coastal forest in Otago. Bad weather back-up date Sunday, August 4. Return 5pm. Inquiries to Robyn Bridges on 472-7330.
Tuesday, August 6
Brockville Garden Club meets in the Community Church Hall at 1.30pm. Guest speaker Barbara Wheeler from the Dunedin Botanic Garden on its 150th celebrations. Afternoon tea, sales table, raffle.
Wednesday, August 7
''A walk in the English countryside,'' with Bradley Curnow, Zoology Benham Building, 346 Great King St, seminar room 215, 2nd floor, 5.20pm. Talk on wildflowers in the English Lake District. Also report on Aramoana salt marsh. Inquiries to David Lyttle on 454-5470.
Thursday, August 8
Fairfield Garden Club meets in the Fairfield Community Hall, 7.30pm. Interest night. Competition: ''How to make a bird feeder''. Members to bring materials to make a bird feeder. Sales table and supper.
Saturday, August 10
Blueskin Garden Club marks family history month with a walk/talk at Orokonui Cemetery, Waitati. Meet at Erne St bridge at 10.30am. If wet meet at car park at 11am. Bring lunch and vegetable and/or bloom for monthly competition. Inquiries to 482-2428 or 482-2896.
Monday, August 12
Otago-Southland Branch of NZ Camellia Society meets at St Peter's Church hall, corner Hillside Rd and Eastbourne St, South Dunedin, 7.30pm. Speaker John Van Delft on growing camellias in Scotland.
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Email notices by noon Wednesday to odt.features@odt.co.nz or write to ODT Editorial Features, PO Box 181, Dunedin.