Passive houses are described as warm, dry and comfortable buildings that take very little to heat. People will be able to learn what it’s like to live in a building certified to the passive house standard as well as what the building or retrofitting process was like. The following houses can be viewed in Otago:
■Helensburgh Rd, Dunedin. Wilson Builders is opening up one of its projects nearing completion, which is targeting passive house classic certification. Saturday, 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. Bookings required. Call Bruce Wilson on 027712-4892 or email
■Toiora Co-housing, unit 11, 25 Alva St, Dunedin. A chance to visit a five-bedroom home in the passive house-certified Toiora Co-housing Neighbourhood and chat with the architect. Sunday, 1pm-3pm. Bookings required. Email Tim Ross,
■Mountain retreat in Bob’s Cove, Queenstown. A project by Carolin Friese architecture in the process of certification for passive house low-energy building. Saturday, 10am-1pm and Sunday, 2-5pm. Bookings required. RSVP via