Dunedin hairdresser Emma Rastrick has bravely decided to take on World Fitness Centre's TribeFIT training programme with the aim of getting in shape in just six weeks.
Week 1 Day 3: Let me start by saying that this week was a long week and I'm exhausted for many reasons. My best friend from Christchurch and her family have been staying with me and their new son Beau (who I'm totally crazy about) has had a hard time sleeping so he's been keeping the house awake. I 've also had a busy week at work and it's only going to get busier as we move into the Christmas season.
The last two workouts [Monday Session, Tuesday Session] were killer as you read from my last two posts so I was still in that "what the hell is going to happen to me this time" frame of mind.
But I was ready to tuck in to this workout!
First we did the warm ups which is the same:
1. Run around the block
2. Walking lunges
3. Leg swings
4. Press ups
5. Sit-ups
This is followed by a sprint around the block followed by:
1. Lunges
2. Kettlebell swings
3. Press-ups
4. 800 metre sprint
Then we worked our way down from there.
I struggled with the press-ups or what I've now come to call "face-plants" of which I did 12.
This session was epic and I had to do a lot of ‘stopping and starting' but my favourite part of the workout (that I loved) was when I was struggling (really struggling) to finish of my final exercise and my tribesmen got down beside me and did the final stages of my workout with me and kept driving me on!
In the video below you'll see me taking in a few very deep breaths during my kettlebell swings (I was actually close to throwing up).
I have to say that I was blown away with that and actually got a little emotional about it. When you're that fatigued just finishing is pure joy and having my team mates come in and finish with me was the best.
I still haven't completed a workout session yet but I know that I've given it everything and I can honestly say that I've left nothing out there.
The feeling of completing this was indescribable (even though I didn't complete the workout) the post-workout ‘buzz' and the support from the girls was amazing.
The workouts aren't getting any easier and I'm not expecting them to but I'm starting to get my head around how important it is to keep going even if you don't finish and how great that can feel especially if you're totally not a sporty type who's not used to this kind of thing.
Not sure what's happening next week but this workout was the most enjoyable of the three.
See you in the next session!