(serves 10)
for the white chocolate yoghurt:
175ml cream
100g white chocolate
70g plain yoghurt
Bring the cream to the boil. Chop chocolate and add to the cream. Mix well until melted then rest for 3-4 minutes. Add yoghurt. Allow to cool then pass through a sieve.
for the pumpkin sorbet:
1kg organic pumpkin
750g sugar
1 litre water lemon juice
15g creme fraiche
Peel pumpkin and slice into small pieces. Boil the sugar and water. Add pumpkin and cook until soft. Cool to room temperature.
Add lemon juice to taste and creme fraiche then blend with a hand blender. Pass through a fine sieve and freeze in an ice-cream maker.
for the honey jelly:
400g honey
Five 2g-gelatine leaves
500ml water
Reduce the honey over a moderate heat until it reaches caramel consistency. Add water carefully.
Soak gelatine leaves and incorporate into the mixture. Whisk well until melted. Pass through a fine sieve. Pour into shallow trays and refrigerate until set.
Slice into shapes.
Serve a scoop of the sorbet on the chilled yoghurt mix and decorate with jelly shapes.