How would you describe your style?
Fairly classic rather than trendy. My co-host Damian describes me as "well-groomed".
I still can't work out if that's a compliment or not. If I was going to be completely honest, I'd say I'm a bit dull.
I'd like to be a bit more zany every now and then.
Has it evolved over the years?
My body has dictated that it had to. Fabrics are heavier and cut of clothing is more defined as the bumpy bits have emerged.
These days I'm more about disguising the things I don't like than celebrating the bits that are still OK.
I think that it's important though to incorporate some new items each season so that you aren't stuck in a clothing rut.
You end up feeling bad about yourself then, and women are already too hard on themselves.
Describe your wardrobe:
I try to get one or two new pieces each season that mix and match with what I already have.
I have always been a fan of jeans and suit jackets, and I love the skinny jeans that you can wear shift dresses and smock-type tops with.
I do take pride in looking after my clothes, so there are probably a few things in there that should have been thrown out in the '90s.
I also love scarves and have worn them forever.
Whose style do you like, or do you look up to?
I love how Petra Bagust dresses.
I love that she can still be a bit daring and edgy, but doesn't try to dress too young.
Who are your favourite designers?
I am lucky enough to own a Tanya Carlson dress, which is fantastic, but because we have a mortgage, I tend to go for price rather than designers and honestly don't have much of an idea about a Walker from a Winkleman.
What is your favourite item of clothing? Shoes? Accessory?
My husband bought me a pair of Italian leather boots from Overland for my birthday which I have lived in from the day I got them.
I love them. My favourite item of clothing would be a well-tailored Max suit jacket that I have managed to get three years' wear out of.
It's really classic and flattering. I love Max clothes. They are decent sizings and are made for real women.
My favourite accessory would be a Dyrberg/Kern necklace that my best friend got me. It's beautiful and classic and I'll have it forever.
What was the last item of clothing you bought?
An EziBuy smock/dress for summer. $29.95.
I love a bargain!What has been your best fashion bargain? I bought a really nice sparkly pair of shoes from Number 1 Shoe Warehouse for $2.99 a few weeks ago.
It doesn't get much better than that. But it does.
I got a second pair free! What did we do before that shop?
What has been your biggest fashion mistake? I was the resident "perminator" in the '80s. Bad, bad, bad hair for a whole decade.
I also used to own a pair of white flat shoes that I had to wear to school, too. I always felt like Minnie Mouse and haven't worn a pair of white shoes since.
A fashion tip? Sucking your tummy in won't work forever. Wear more tailored clothing so that you look great . . . and you can breathe.
A beauty tip? Make sure your eyebrows are the same colour as your lashes. Use your eye pencil "smudger" to get a more natural eyebrow if they need darkening.
What would you buy if money were no option? My entire wardrobe from Kimberleys.