Detective Kate Bartlett, in Balclutha, is experiencing one of a woman's biggest fashion challenges - she is pregnant. Lea Jones has a look in her wardrobe to see how this police officer balances fashion with work, leisure and pregnancy.
My style is very simple, practical and comfortable.
Has it evolved over the years?
Definitely. Prior to coming to Balclutha I lived and worked in Lower Hutt. The dress standards were considerably different. I have a far more relaxed and less formal day-to-day dress code for work [now].
Describe your wardrobe.
Black, black and more black. My drawers are full of my jeans, T-shirts, ice breakers - all my favourite things that I enjoy wearing the most. For day-to-day work wear it's usually a pair of Doosh Toby black pants. My footwear consists of numerous pairs of sneakers: they are my downfall. I can never have too many pairs of varying colours.
Whose style do you look up to?
I have a friend I admire for her style; it's classic simple, and she seems to be able to throw an outfit together for any occasion and look fantastic.
Who are your favourite designers?
I don't really have a favourite. I tend to choose a garment because I like it rather than choose it because of the designer.
What is your favourite item of clothing?
My old Diesel sneakers - they are so comfortable, and even though I have replaced them with a new, similar pair, they are just not the same.
What was the last item of clothing you bought?
To be honest, it was a very boring, necessary maternity item that I do not need to shock the public with, so I will skip to my purchase prior to that - a new ski jacket.
What has been your best fashion bargain?
A fantastic Icebreaker jacket which my friend Debbie gave me. It's a classic-fitted jacket (black, of course). You can dress it up or down. It's so warm.
What has been your biggest fashion mistake?
I have a number of them sitting in the back of my wardrobe. I am a shocker for racing out and purchasing an item for an event last minute and then never wearing it again.
A fashion tip?
I simply believe in wearing items that make you feel comfortable, confident and that are easy care.
A beauty tip?
My good friend Jo at Bates Pharmacy knows how hopeless I am at any sort of beauty regime so put me on to Trilogy products. I have really sensitive skin and have battled for years with different products but at last I have found it.
What would you buy if money was no issue?
If my baby is a wee girl I would love to purchase the Trelise Cooper dress that I saw in Arthur Barnett in Dunedin for a little girl. But for me, well where do I start, after months in these `fat clothes' I dream of a whole new wardrobe, simple classic clothes with at least a couple of new pairs of sneakers!