Emma Gilmour - Gilmour Motors

What is your background?

Proudly Dunedin born and bred, I attended St Leonards Primary School and St Hilda's Collegiate before achieving a Bachelor of Arts in Design Studies at Otago University. Ponies and horses were a major part of my life and I competed in eventing through my teenage years into my twenties. Giving away riding, I soon discovered rally navigating and then rally driving.

What has been your career path?

I worked in my parents' car sales Gilmour Motors while studying at Otago Uni. Once I started rallying I created my own company to manage the sponsorships and budgets needed for competing. Under this company and while living in Hamilton, I worked as a corporate driver training instructor for the AA and other advanced driver training programmes. In 2010 my then partner and I returned to Dunedin for the opportunity to own and run the Suzuki Franchise in my home town. We ran it alongside my parents' business, before buying them out in 2011. I bought my partner out in 2014, so I now own the business on my own.

What drives you?

I love life. I enjoy helping people and I enjoy new experiences. I want to do as much as I can for as long as I can. My motorsport has given me amazing opportunities, racing all around the world, meeting wonderful people and most importantly teaching me some very important life skills which apply well to business too.

Advice for young women starting their careers?

Dream big and surround yourself with can-do people. Be prepared to work hard, always keep your word and keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities. You never know where you might end up!

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

It's a day to reflect and acknowledge the brave and inspiring women who came before us, who opened doors and broke ceilings and paved the way for us today. And a reminder for the women of today to keep pushing and striving, so we can leave a legacy for the girls of tomorrow.

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