Southern hospitals - increase in safety measures

As the number of COVID-19 cases grow, safety measures have increased in Lakes District, Dunedin, Southland, Clutha and Gore Hospitals to keep our community safe and limit contact with other patients as much as possible.

Safety measures include:

•Only one visitor at a time is able to visit patients on wards.
•Only one person may accompany someone who is attending an outpatient appointment or presenting at the Emergency Department for care (children may accompany a parent or sibling if childcare is not available).
•All patients and visitors entering the hospital will be screened for COVID-19. Patients who are admitted to wards will undergo a COVID-19 test on admission (please note the hospital does not provide general COVID-19 testing).
•Visitors are required to scan in, sanitise hands and all those over the age of 8 are required to wear a surgical face mask. People presenting to direct entry services may be given an N95 mask to wear.
•Please keep our ED for emergencies only. Contact Healthline or your GP in the first instance if you need health advice.

•Maternity services – please call your lead maternity carer or the maternity unit in advance for pre-screening, after-hours access and restrictions for patients/visitors.
•Those visiting the hospital for other appointments including Outpatients clinics, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and X-Ray/ CT should continue to use the Main Hospital Entrance.

Key information for patients and visitors can be found on the southern health website

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