South welcomes new primary care CEO


New WellSouth CEO, Andrew Swanson-Dobbs
New WellSouth CEO, Andrew Swanson-Dobbs

The Southern district has welcomed a new health sector leader, as Andrew Swanson-Dobbs takes up the role of CEO, for WellSouth Primary Health Network.
A psychologist by training, Andrew has a strong primary care leadership background, joining WellSouth – the organisation overseeing the provision of primary care services across the Southern district - from Pinnacle Midlands Health network in Hamilton. He was previously the CEO at Nelson Bays Primary Health.
“Mental health is a passion for me and I’ve been involved in successful stop smoking programme,” Andrew explains. “Child health also remains a calling and I was a keen part of the team that developed the National Child Health Information Platform (NCHIP) which helps to coordinate child health services, ensuring no child misses important child health milestone checks.”
Andrew joins WellSouth at an exciting time for primary health care in the South welcomes new primary care CEO Southern district, as the Health Care Home programme, which better delivers general practices services, is rolled out in Southland and Otago and other key elements of the Primary and Community Care Strategy are introduced.
Patient stories wanted for short videos
Our patients are our best advocates and their stories offer valuable insights into how we can improve the Southern health system experience.
We are inviting members of the public to share their experiences with Southern DHB, and welcome powerful stories that celebrate our patients and staff, and provide an opportunity for learning and quality improvement.
We hope to transform these stories into a tool to further educate and train our staff, as well as communicate the significance of the work undertaken every day in our health system.
If you’re interested in sharing your story or finding out more, please contact: communications


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