Delight your friends and family, captivate our readers and share your favourite holiday images in our Magic Moments competition, in which every published photograph wins a prize. Entries will be published from December 26 to January 21.
Plus, everybody who has a photo published in our competition can take the original file to Jonathan’s Photo Warehouse in Dunedin and receive a free enlargement.
TO ENTER email your pictures (in JPEG format at 200dpi, approx. 940x630 pixels) to Please include the photographer’s name and phone number, a description of who and what the photograph shows, where and when it was taken and ages if relevant.
Allied Press reserves the right to store electronically any pictures entered in the competition and to use the images in any of its publications, including online for promotional purposes.
Three brilliant Nikon cameras are up for grabs. The Nikon D3400, a digital SLR with a 18-55mm lens, a Nikon B700, the big zoom bridge camera and a tough, waterproof, Nikon AW130.