Reason to watch: Lots of other people are viewing it.
How they do it: Genial comic-host Daniel Tosh stands in front of a studio audience and riffs on web laughers, like the teen who freaked out - throwing a physical fit - when his mother cancelled his World of Warcraft online gaming account.
Surely you've seen this viral video - just one YouTube upload among many that has tallied 31 million views.
The Comedy Central website's Tosh.0 take on it added another 210,000 views (see it at
But Tosh went beyond host commentary that "the video didn't add up". (C'mon, whose mum knows how to log on to cancel a WoW account?) He flew the teen to Hollywood to grill him to admit the footage was fake, "to find out if I need to punish him, in our first-ever web investigation".
His attack got zanier from there, in indescribably quick and clever ways, through a stream-of-consciousness sketch that managed to both mock web junk and recognise its big-deal place in today's media landscape.
My say: Tosh's (mostly) good-natured joshing is sharper than it has any right to be, turning a clip of neck-to-neck giraffe combat into topical riffs on Animal Planet, Toys R Us and Michael Vick.
His bouncy demeanour wears well, making seriously scatological discoveries seem near wholesome.
That jaunty attitude helps him glide through even controversy-courting zingers - buff black men dating fat white girls, The Daily Show's recent sexist-workplace accusations - without seeming to intend offence.
At least not to people like me who don't mind watching a guy using a bike pump to prime himself for explosive gas-passing.
Bottom line: Tosh.0 takes web junk only as seriously as it deserves to be.
Watch his zippy 30-minute lampoon, and you've spared yourself hours of YouTube brain drain.
- Tosh.0 screens weekdays at 7.30pm, Mondays at 8pm, Tuesdays at 1.30am and Sundays at 10.30am on Comedy Central (Sky digital channel 10).