They are young, gifted and back

Jamie Russell, of the Suds, performs at Chick's.
Jamie Russell, of the Suds, performs at Chick's.
A youth mentoring programme aimed to foster the talent of young Dunedin musicians, the Chicks Project, initially dreamt up by former Volunteer Otago manager Lani Evans, began life as a series of all-ages gigs at Port Chalmers' infamous (and wonderful) Chick's Hotel.

Expanded in 2011 to incorporate 30 students, nine gigs and workshops and a culminating four-date Dunedin tour, the Chick's Project (with a soon-to-be-announced new moniker) launches for 2012 tonight at the Dunedin Musicians' Club, unleashing truly Dunedin's freshest talent: eight inexperienced high-school acts.

For the head of a youth-oriented music organisation, friendly Chick's Project co-ordinator Jess Young is fittingly enthusiastic as she describes the project's origins in the cool Dunedin breeze outside a Lower Stuart St cafe.

In her view, the Chick's Project provides a vital outlet for Dunedin's musically inclined youth, both technically and socially. It's a compelling argument, considering the nature of the project and the lack of real substitutes.

"There's a real lack of underage or even all-ages, alcohol-free music events in Dunedin, and the Chick's Project basically grew as recognition of this fact. I wish that there were more things I could have attended at their age [12-18], so I'm very passionate about anything we can do to create opportunities to support youth. It's a cool environment, and I'm very lucky to be involved."

With the invaluable financial funding and support of Alac (the Alcohol Advisory Council) and the Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust, the Chick's Project also promotes responsible drinking messages within the alcohol-free environments created by the events - something Young says is greatly needed with the music and entertainment industries frequently being associated with substance use.

"It's a tricky issue to handle. If you can do something at the micro level, you can start instilling those messages at a young age ... For example, a workshop on performance skills will include a discussion on the risks of mixing alcohol with performance, the effect it can have on your standing within the industry, and personal stories from the mentors themselves."

These mentors and facilitators providing workshops on a diverse range of industry subjects, such as DIY recording techniques, royalties and, of course, songwriting, are themselves a collection of some of the city's most talented individuals, from acts including Opposite Sex (Lucy Hunter), Idiot Prayer (sound engineer Sam Brookland) and Made in China (possibly Dunedin's best frontman, Sam McKean).

"All the mentors are always excited and pumped after the first workshop. They all remember being that age, and not having this outlet at high school. [The mentoring] is helpful for the kids to build those relationships in the music industry, and get some exposure and knowledge."

And it certainly seems to be working. With the graduates of last year's programme, including the excellent "ultra teenage" nihilistic grunge-punks the Suds, and the pseudo post-rock of A Distant City, the Chick's Project is producing some real musical prospects alongside its other goals.

Personally, I can't wait for the flow-on effects.

Stomping Nick Jackman
Stomping Nick Jackman
Stomping Nick at Chick's
Stomping Nick Jackman, a one-man blues sonic hell storm of distorted guitar, wailing harmonica and pounding drums, arrives at Chick's Hotel tonight. With his punkish take on modern blues classics (Black Betty, Preach The Blues) and his own fiery original material, it's boogying primitive energy at its raw extreme.

There's nothing worse than polite blues, after all.

Chick's Hotel, tonight at 9.30pm, with support from Matt Langley.

The launch
Witness the rebranding debut of the Chick's Project tonight at the Dunedin Musicians Club, Manse St, from the family-friendly time of 6pm. Featuring Crisis, John George MacLeod's Melon Platoon, and The Good Chaps, with guests A Distant City and Blonde Hash.


- Sam Valentine.



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