CD Reviews: The Staves

This retweaking of the full-length debut by Watford sisters Emily, Jessica and Camilla Staveley-Taylor has to do with the ''live'' part of the album's title; in short, five tracks have been added to the original 12, making for a hefty sampling of bare-bones, vocal-centric folk.

In the hands of this trio, who have attracted support slots for The Civil Wars and Bon Ivor, guitar and ukulele are handled deftly, so as not to clutter the space in which their voices mingle and soar.

In the title track, they sing that ''time doesn't matter''; fitting given their simple approach probably ensures their songs won't date too quickly.

  • The Staves. Dead & Born & Grown & Live. Warner Music.
  • 4 stars out of 5

Single download: The Eagle
For those who like: Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell


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