CD Reviews: Both Sides of the Line

The debut album from this Dunedin outfit (after a five-song EP last year), Sideshow is a curious mix: slick, fluid electric guitar lines (by John Sule) collide with a whimsical vocal delivery (by Glenda Rogers), creating a tension that sometimes works (closing track Country), but several times begs for a more complete delivery or some compositional reworking.

Take Mac's General Store: despite excellent lyrics, a wonderful clanky rhythm and fluid instrumental interplay in the verses, it is let down by the chorus.

That said, there is potential aplenty here; the rockabilly highlights just need to be harnessed. Next time, go wild(er) people.

  • Both Sides of the Line. Sideshow. BSOTL Music.
  • 3 stars out of 5

Single download: New World
For those who like: Eileen Jewell

- Shane Gilchrist

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