Review: Interesting adventures with Indy

That's not one of the movies: Well spotted.

This is, in fact, a stand-alone Indiana Jones video game.

The staff of kings?: That thing Moses used to part the Red Sea to help the Hebrews flee Egypt.

No, really.

Dr Jones! Dr Jones!: Well, you couldn't have an Indy game without Indy in it, could you? The main character looks like Harrison Ford and some studio voice actor does a good job sounding like Harrison Ford.

The enemy: Ah, the Nazis.

Without them, so many video games would be much less fun.

Good bits: Interesting adventures, good use of the Wiimote as Indy's whip.

Bad bits: Linear levels, combat can get a bit confusing.

Unlockable: A classic Indiana Jones game.

 Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Nintendo Wii
Hayden Meikle


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