Game follows in footsteps of 'GTA'

Do not be misled: There are no saints in this shoot-em-up, and more sins that you could care to mention...

Saints Row 2
PlayStation 3/Xbox 360

3 stars (out of 5)

Review by Hayden Meikle

It's a sequel: To the entertaining and highly offensive Saints Row (2006).

A bit like: Grand Theft Auto.

Which means: It's violent, sassy and full of crack dealers, prostitutes, cops and gangs.

The setting: Stilwater, a fictional city apparently based on parts of Detroit and Chicago.

The story (from Wikipedia): The main character wakes up from a coma in a prison hospital, five years after the events of Saints Row, escapes the prison island and rejoins the 3rd Street Saints, the gang the series is set around.

The protagonist learns that the Saints have fallen apart, and that three new gangs have risen to power in Stilwater.

What you can do: Walk, run, jump, swim, drive, fight and fire weapons.

What they're saying: "This is a truly entertaining game. There's no pretension - just enjoyable mayhem." (Official Xbox Magazine).

"These horrible and violent video games desensitise young people to violence while encouraging depravity and immorality and glorifying criminal behaviour." (New York Police Department union boss Patrick Lynch).

Fun fact: Collector's edition comes with a memory stick shaped like a bullet.


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