Q&A with Brian Turner

What Otago poet, essayist and angler Brian Turner is reading and why.

What book(s) are you reading?
Murray Bail's novel Eucalyptus and Robert Hass' poetry collection Time and Materials: Poems 1997-2005.

What's good about them?
The former appeals because it sometimes startles, is serious, sly and wry and full of telling observations; the latter because it includes a magnificent long poem State of the Planet.

When do you read?
Anywhere, any time of the day and night.

Do you ever abandon a book you don't like? Why?
Yes, if I decide it's insufficiently interesting, entertaining or informative.

What book do you think everyone should read and why?
No one book above all others. I wish more people read more than they do, and more widely.

Is there a book you've been meaning to get around to?
No. There are hundreds I wish I'd time to read.

How do you choose what you are going to read next?
Reviews, word of mouth.

- Otago poet, essayist and angler Brian Turner's latest book is Into the wider world: A backcountry miscellany (Godwit, pbk, $45) .


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