They have decided a work plan should be developed based on the recommendations of consultancy MRCagney, but that it would come back before a council committee for consideration.
The consultancy said the Dunedin City Council had a relatively large portfolio of off-street parking assets, the city had a relatively large supply of on-street parking, there was excessive commuter parking in residential streets, and the city offered plentiful and free all-day parking within walking distance of the city centre.
MRCagney criticised the council for providing parking at cheaper rates than the market.
An abundance of all-day parking worked against environmental and climate change objectives, the consultant said.
The findings run counter to what the consultant called deep-rooted public expectations about the need for the council to provide plentiful and affordable parking.
The report was considered yesterday on a day when councillors backed a series of transport projects and a councillor who was accused of not telling the truth walked out of a meeting.

A point of order from Cr Vandervis, asking that Cr Benson-Pope withdraw the accusation and apologise, was not upheld by Mayor Aaron Hawkins.
Cr Vandervis then packed up and left the meeting.
The consultancy’s principal recommendation was for the council to start developing a parking management policy.
It suggested a series of moves, such as reducing lease parking and working on a business case for investing in parking technology, in the meantime.
The dispute related to parking somewhat overshadowed the advancement of a transport package designed to alleviate the impact of the new Dunedin Hospital being built.
Councillors voted 12-2 to include efficiency improvements for a harbour arterial route ($16.6million) in the council’s 10-year plan. Cr Vandervis and Cr Carmen Houlahan voted against.
They voted 10-4 to pursue a parking management policy ($9.5million), including introducing a parking wayfinding system.
Cr Vandervis, Cr Houlahan, Cr Jules Radich and Cr Andrew Whiley voted against.
A Princes St bus priority and corridor safety plan ($6.6million) was opposed by the same four councillors and Cr Rachel Elder as well when it went to vote.
Improvements to pedestrian and cycling safety ($6.6million) in St Andrew St and Albany St were opposed by Crs Radich, Vandervis and Houlahan.
Park and ride facilities at Mosgiel and Burnside ($10.3million) were opposed by Crs Radich, Vandervis and Whiley.
Bike hubs (at a cost of $2.5million) were backed by everyone except Cr Vandervis.
Cr Jim O’Malley argued the series of projects was an integrated package.
He and Cr Elder were among the speakers who noted uncertainty about parking for the new Dunedin hospital was unhelpful.
Cr O’Malley argued this should not prevent the council from getting on with making transport improvements.
Development of the work plan about parking proposed by Cr Benson-Pope was endorsed by 11 councillors who remained at the meeting and was opposed by Cr Houlahan and Cr Radich.
Consultant says
The Dunedin City Council should:
- Develop wayfinding signage for city centre.
- Develop business case for parking technology investment.
- Develop data collection plan.
- Talk to car share operators about establishing central Dunedin operation.
- Build communication relationships with businesses.
- Reduce lease parking at council off-street parking sites.
- Apply for electric vehicle charging stations funding at Great King St car park.
Just as well they are installing those new toilet blocks around the city as well.
With the extra time it's going to take to get around to shop or do business, they will be much needed by an aging population on bikes or waiting for a ride share.
The showers will be very much appreciated by those of us that can no longer afford the rates payable on property, and so 'choose' to live in a caravan.
Let me state the obvious.
This council believes it is going to save the planet by reducing our activity and productivity. It sees itself as the vaccine to the human virus attacking mother earth.
It believes what works in a city of two million will work in a city of 130 thousand that has a larger geographical footprint.
It does not consider the ratepayers needs and convenance first but rather how to reduce our activity as stipulated by the UN.
To maintain its virtue signalling, this council would rather spend our money getting big city ideas imported from Australia, than listen to its own people.
Dunedinits being more inconveranced and doing less will not save the planet and the consequences could well have the opposite effect of the intention.
It is disappointing to see such childish and petulant behaviour.
I agree but look at the council leadership.
Too interested in hugging trees!
Yet another 'consultant' who doesn't understand how the ETS works. Whatever price the council charges for parking can't make a blind bit of difference to emissions.
"An abundance of all-day parking worked against environmental and climate change objectives, the consultant said."
So the DCC hires a consultant to investigate parking in Dunedin, advises him (if it wasn't already obvious) their priority is their "environmental and climate change objectives", and then we are to be surprised when the major finding is that there is enough parking in the city already - and that it is too cheap?
And then ... the DCC backs the report! Whatever next?
Obviously people who have never tried to find parking. Shop via the internet to avoid getting screwed by DCC.
I only go on a Sunday. Free parking and always plenty of spaces when the thousand plus council workers are not driving into the city centre to work.
If you can walk 2 or 3 blocks parking isn't an issue . I have had a stroke leaving my right and side barely functional and serverly limiting my walking distance , any yet between the multiple parking building , parking lots , on and off street parking options I have rarely had an issue finding a park within a 2 to 3 block radius of where I want to be. Anyone who is at least as fit and able than myself should have very little problems . Unless of course they have an unrealistic expectation to be able to park right outside every place they want to go or are to lazy to walk a couple of blocks.
Cr Vandervis tossing his toys out of the cot yet again.
Great to see he can stick around and actually represent his constituents at probably one of the most important meetings of the year.
Still, grandstanding ha always been his strong point.
Put you big boy pants on Lee and do your damn job.
Again, you allow yourself to be distracted by personality bias rather than the issue. At any mention of Cr Vandervis you continually take to character assassination rather than the facts of the matter he raises concern over.
And that Dunners, is exactly the hand the likes of BensonPope and Hawkins want you play into. Maybe take your blinkers off,look past the personality traits, and look around at what is actually going on.
Both Mayor Hawkins and Cr Benson-Pope are experienced enough to know better than this. Cr Vandervis was expressing an opinion or making an interpretation. That’s what all Councillors are there for. To claim an opinion is tantamount to misrepresentation (as Cr Benson-Pope did and which Mayor Hawkins, in his ruling, endorsed) is so weird that I can’t help wondering if it was a deliberate bit of Vandervis baiting. Convenient for distracting attention from the issues and on to personalities. From Standing Orders: 25.3 Contradictions
Expressing a difference of opinion or contradicting a statement by a previous speaker does not constitute a point of order.
Disappointing to see Mayor Hawkins depart from a previously very good standard of upholding and interpreting Standing Orders.
Hawkins & b-pope are the main reason we have problems in Dunedin. They only listen to themselves and cannot cope with an alternative viewpoint. Both are past their sell by date.
So the greens aligned DCC staff at the directions of the greens stacked council go out and hire another antii car "expert" who produces another anti car report.
And anyone is surprised?
Not to mention greens councilors and mates can throw insults and barbs but noone else can respond or complain. What a mess this council is.
It really is time for a clean out of council and DCC staff, starting at the top and including all the so called planning department.
Definition of a consultant. They come in, borrow your watch, tell you the time and walk off with your watch. More money wasted by this completely out of touch and inept council. Maybe they want us all to return to horse and carts. Oh no, horses are already banned from the city centre and they cause lots of pollution. Cyclists watch out; you will be banned next for wearing environmentally damaging lycra. DCC obviously want an empty city centre so they can play in it unhindered.
For those complaining about parking, try living in any other city. It really is ridiculous to expect to be able to drag a ton of metal with you to work every day and leave it parked right outside. Nowhere in the world is that possible in a city.
The distance I have to walk from a free car park every morning, on the outskirts of the city centre, to work, is truly minimal. Which is why I still regularly drive.
However, for the days I don't want to drive, $2 for a bus ride is cheap, and every 15 minutes is regular. For the times I have taken the bus, it was great.
I cycled for over a year too, which was great for fitness. I still would if I didn't get knocked off my bike due to inadequate cycling infrastructure, and arrogant drivers.
Look at Auckland where people are still attached to their cars, yet now think it's reasonable to spend literally hours "driving" to and from work.
This consultant is right. We do need to stop thinking it a reasonable expectation to drive and park anywhere, every time.
We do need to invest in multiple alternatives, and use them, because when we stop being pig headed and look around, the consequences of not don't look acceptable.
Ive been to Christchurch lately. They have things called parking buildings!
DCC should build a large parking building so we can park our wonderful vehicles.
And for the greenies incorporate some charging stations...And how about a decent parking building for the downsized new hospital.
Agree that the hospital needs one buth other than that we have at least 4 between Frederick st and the exchange plus several parking lots around the place etc