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A cricket match is played in a swede paddock in Northern Southland.
A cricket match is played in a swede paddock in Northern Southland.
Just like a crop circle in a maize field, mystery surrounds how a cricket pitch appeared in a swede paddock in Northern Southland.

Anne Osment, of Five Rivers, said part of the mystery had been solved — the pitch appeared because a contractor "had a miss" when sowing a winter swede crop in a paddock on Rex Carter’s farm in Mossburn on the final Saturday of last month.

However, who placed a set of wickets at both ends of the barren section of swede patch remains unsolved.

"Nobody knows."

When a group of Mossburn Hotel patrons — a mix of past and present farmers — noticed the wickets, they took it as an invitation to hold a "social" cricket match.

The cricketers competed  for a swede trophy. PHOTOS: ANNE OSMENT
The cricketers competed for a swede trophy. PHOTOS: ANNE OSMENT
The paddock was christened the MCG — the Mossburn Cricket Ground.

The thistles in the pitch posed a challenge for players, as was fielding in the "knee-high" swede crop.

"No swedes were harmed — except for the one we used for our trophy."

Ms Osment hoped the match would become an annual event but future sites would be need to be dictated by oversights of contractors when sowing winter crops.

"If anyone has a miss — let us know."


I think I would accept the explanation offered by Ms Osment.
I believe it is unlikely to be aliens. Let's face it, any aliens visiting earth are going to be far more advanced in every way from us. It follows that if they did visit earth, once they discovered the existence of cricket, (and for that matter rugby league), they would take that as absolute proof of our completely immature level of evolution and moronic intelligence and depart quietly without letting us know they were ever here.


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