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Owen Saunders cuts a ribbon watched by staff and pupils at the opening of the Southland Adventist...
Owen Saunders cuts a ribbon watched by staff and pupils at the opening of the Southland Adventist Christian School in Invercargill on Saturday. PHOTO: LUISA GIRAO
After nearly four years of planning, design and building, the Southland Adventist Christian School was officially opened this weekend.

A blessing and ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Saturday in Invercargill to acknowledge the important stepping stone for the local community.

Board member Owen Saunders said it was amazing the school, even given the impact of Covid-19, was built in only 14 months.

He was emotional while cutting the ribbon as the project was one of his dreams.

"This would never be possible without the help of all volunteers and our community. I’m very thankful."

The special character school, which was established in 1955 in Esk St, Invercargill, had spent the past 53 years at the corner of Bainfield and North Rds.

However, a growth in registrations meant the need for more space.

The school was set to welcome 80 pupils for their first day at the school’s new site — 21 Durham St, Waikiwi — tomorrow.

Principal Joshua Taylor said from the teachers to community members, as well as past and present staff and pupils, everyone was incredibly excited for the day to finally arrive.

"Not many people get the opportunity to start at a school on its first day.

"We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from the community who were wanting a Christian education for their children in Invercargill.

"We are what they are looking for." — Additional report Luisa Girao


Well, a denominational education.

