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Nobby Clark
Invercargill's deputy mayor has apologised to the council’s chief executive for a comment that prompted a code of conduct complaint.

An independent investigation was carried out by Robert Buchanan after fellow councillor Ian Pottinger criticised Nobby Clark’s actions.

Mr Buchanan said the deputy had breached the council’s code of conduct when talking about Clare Hadley in an open meeting.

It was in response to emails Mrs Hadley had sent him.

"You’re saying, chair, that the chief executive has given a truthful situation and I don’t believe that’s so. I have a right to question that."

During yesterday’s performance, policy and partnership committee meeting, Cr Clark said the report raised a number of issues but it was "not the time or place to deal with those".

He believed the best way the chairman could have dealt with the issue on the occasion was with a point of order.

However, even before his colleagues challenged him, he offered his apologies to Mrs Hadley.

"I wish to offer an apology to Clare and my colleagues who might being upset by the comments I made."

Cr Clark, Cr Pottinger and Mrs Hadley then removed themselves from the table and chairman Darren Ludlow said to the chamber the matter could have been discussed in public excluded session as it was an employment matter.

However, he said Mrs Hadley has agreed to bring the issue in open meeting in an effort to show greater transparency by council.

Cr Ludlow said there were a range of ways to deal with the matter, but he thought the most appropriate was to accept the apologies from Cr Clark.

Cr Lesley Soper moved an amendment to the apologies also be in writing to drawn attention to the "seriousness of the incident".

The amendment was voted down with only Crs Soper, Alex Crackett, Graham Lewis and Rebecca Amundsen voting in favour.

The matter was resolved and councillors returned to the table.

ICC meeting highlights:

  • Quarterly financial report  presented (period ended September 30)  stated 
  • council has a net operating deficit of $2.1 million, compared with forecasted deficit of $2.2 million.
  • A net deficit of $4.1 million  recorded for first quarter in the prior year so council was in a better position this year than last year by $2 million.
  • Councillors  approved operating budget increase of $57,000 to He Waka Tuia.
  • Council supported Great South in its Bluff tourism master plan which would go out for consultation.


Oh my. I think it is time for the Invercargill City Council to be replaced with a Commissioner. I am thoroughly sick of hearing about their unprofessional behaviour and what sounds like petty game playing and power struggles. If it weren't so annoying it would just be sad.

