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The intersection of Forbury, Bay View and Allandale Rds, in St Clair, where a peanut-shaped...
The intersection of Forbury, Bay View and Allandale Rds, in St Clair, where a peanut-shaped intersection is planned. Photo: Peter McIntosh.
Work will begin next week on a peanut-shaped roundabout at the intersection of Forbury, Bay View and Allandale Rds in St Clair.

Dunedin City Council transport engineering and road safety team leader Hjarne Poulsen said the roundabout design had been successfully trialled with buses.

Minor changes had been made to the original design for changes at the intersection.

In a plan released last year, lines on 15 above-ground power poles were to be moved underground, but budget restraints now prevented this from happening.

The rest of the plan remained the same, including moving the bus stops near the shops to further north and south along Forbury Rd, and increasing the number of car parks there from six to 13.

Three parks would be lost at the sites of the new bus stops.

The pedestrian zebra crossing on Forbury Rd would be raised and pedestrian crossing points with raised paving would be installed on each of the four roads connecting to the intersection.

The $1 million project was expected to be completed by the end of December, Mr Poulsen said.




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Does anyone know where to buy tickets for this comedy ??

I believe Act 1 is called "Under Construction" ... Act 2 "Magical Mistakes" ... and the Finale ... "Dozers Delight"

Obviously I want front row seats and have my deck chair, peanuts and beer ready to go, although, I have been told that I'll be laughing that much it'll make drinking the beer a little difficult and there's the possibility of choking on a peanut !!

Peanut Lover

DCC priorities: Sewers etc need fixing or we can come up with another peanut of an idea to spend $1 million because some idiots can't read give way signs.
I'm just amazed they haven't closed one lane for a bike path - traffic to the beach could divert via St Kilda. That would make sense for this lot.

More money wasting from DCC.

I dont know of any intersections in Dunedin that are worse than this one. I've nearly been hit several times and seen more than one accident happen right in front of me. DCC has been responsible for a whole list of stuff ups in the last decade, but I think the creative solution they have come up with for this accident hot-spot, is exactly what's needed.

Heck. Dunedin drivers can't cope with normal roundabouts let alone peanut shaped ones. Hope the panel beaters are ready for a bonanza.

Oh. Unshelled.

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