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David Seymour. Photo: ODT files
David Seymour. Photo: ODT files
ACT New Zealand leader David Seymour is bringing his Freedom to Speak talk to the University of Otago tonight.

The politician will discuss the importance of free speech and ‘‘the many threats facing freedom of expression’’, including the Government’s plan for new hate speech laws and China’s interference in New Zealand universities.

This event will take place in St David Complex Lecture Theatre at 6.30pm.


"leader", "politician". Seriously? These terms suggest one person is a party and exploiting a flaw in our MMP system (that can be so easily fixed) is irrelevant.
I don't consider this man a leader of anything and nor is he a politician by any valid definition. Not in a well functioning democracy anyway.
If he was looking for success though, I'd suggest an impersonator. He has an uncanny likeness to my favourite nineties hologram, Rimmer.

