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Lee Vandervis
Lee Vandervis
A Dunedin city councillor walked out of a meeting this afternoon after he was blocked from speaking on a vote.

Cr Lee Vandervis left a full council meeting this afternoon after he was unable to speak on a motion to cancel work on the Dunedin City Council merging with the Otago Regional Council.

The motion put forward by Cr David Benson-Pope would scrap plans for an in-house investigation of the merits of the two councils becoming a unitary authority.

It was a motion put forward by Cr Vandervis in 2017,  who won support from other councillors for the idea, which prompted the investigation which never started.

After Cr Benson-Pope put forward his motion this afternoon, fellow councillor Cr Kate Wilson used a standing orders rule to force an immediate vote on the issue, blocking Cr Vandervis or any other councillor from speaking on the matter.

Cr Wilson's move was supported by other councillors.

Before the vote was held Cr Vandervis packed up and left the council chambers.

The council voted in favour of Cr Benson-Pope's motion. 


This council is allergic to investigations ....once Cull and co are voted out, because they won't be there for ever, I hope the new council starts a few investigations into things like those missing cars, a proper investigation.

If we could just get rid of the two child-like Flower Pot Men it would be a major step forward for Dunedin. We can only hope the new council will act like adults and represent US (we the people of Dunedin) instead of behaving like a pair of prima-donnas.

