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Sara Cohen School will have a "better layout'' and improved access for students, Education...
Sara Cohen School will have a "better layout'' and improved access for students, Education Minister Chris Hipkins says. Photo: Linda Robertson
A Dunedin school for special needs children will receive a $4 million upgrade, the Government has announced.

Education Minister Chris Hipkins said Sara Cohen School's buildings in Caversham were in a poor state, and "badly in need of a major revamp''.

"Portions of the school buildings are experiencing weather-tightness issues and have insufficient heating and ventilation.

"This Government is commited to ensuring that all children are able to access the facilities they require.''

The school would have a "better layout'' and improved access for students.

"We are prioritising spending to remove barriers to young people's access to education and learning. We want to ensure every child with learning challenges has access to the tools and professionals they need.''

Funding has also been granted to Anderson's Bay School and Grant Brae's School for new classrooms, part of an $8 million package benefiting eight schools around the South Island. 


I am so pleased that all the hard work of lobbying over the years has finally come to fruition. At last a government who strongly believes that students with special needs in Dunedin are entitled to the same standard of buildings as other students throughout New Zealand. For too long the students at Sara Cohen School have had put up with sub-code buildings which are nearly one hundred years old. The site is ideal as it is is a safe environment. The hard work of the previous principal, Raewyn Alexander needs to be acknowledged and applauded.

So very happy to hear this wonderful news. The students, teachers, families and community will benefit so much from this. Full credit to the Principal, Matthew Tofia who has been working extremely hard to achieve this, and to the staff and families. This will be amazing and I can't wait to see it completed!!

