Classical reviews

> Live at the Metropolitan Opera. Anna Netrebko (soprano). Deutsche Grammophon CD.

This CD is released to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Netrebko's Met debut and is a selection of her favourite moments at the New York opera house, boasted as "never before available on CD". They range from an item from Prokofiev's War and Peace sung in 2002, to two excerpts from the 2010 La Boheme that demonstrate how the voice has matured to become more lush and sensual.

The sound is darker and more fluid, with greater range of dynamics.

Peter Gelb, GM of the Met, calls Netrebko "our reigning superstar diva". She combines "sumptuous, lustrous voice" with charisma and "an extraordinary ability to dramatically absorb every role she embraces". Eleven tracks come from broadcast recordings.

Highlight: Puccini's frequently cut "Potion aria" from a 2007 Romeo et Juliette.

> Besser: Campursari. New Zealand musicians; gamelan. Rattle CD. 

This title is an Indonesian term describing music incorporating gamelan and Western instruments. Composer Jonathan Besser has used the five-note pentatonic scale of gamelans combined with the 12-note European system to write three suites: Campursari in three movements, Featherless Wings in four and Secretos in five.

The musicians include Miranda Adams (violin and gamelan instruments), John Bell (vibraphone), Robert Ashworth (viola), Jim Langabeer (flute), Chris O'Connor (drums), Andrew Pask (soprano saxophone), Nigel Gavin (guitar) and Tatiana Lanchtchikova (accordion).

The result: spacious, atmospheric music with layers of deep, complex resonance. The music may seem meditative, or almost slow progressive jazz, while the pieces are beautifully played and recorded most effectively.

Highlight: first movement of Campursari.


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