Upgrade of veteran substation starts

Lund South construction supervisor Ken Close (left) and head crane driver Fred Mursa check...
Lund South construction supervisor Ken Close (left) and head crane driver Fred Mursa check progress on the substation refurbishment. Photo Gerard O'Brien.
One of New Zealand's oldest electricity substations is undergoing refurbishment in Dunedin to make way for new switching gear.

The Delta substation, built in 1936, this week had its roof removed by Lund South.

The construction firm also took out the steel truss, which will be replaced.

The roof contained asbestos.

Lund South construction supervisor Ken Close said part of the job was to refurbish any of the wooden beams that were rotten but inspection of the beams showed there was no rot.

The substation will have a mezzanine floor installed, a new roof and new paint on the outside.


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