Apple announced on Tuesday the iPad tablet, billed as a "magical and revolutionary product", would go on sale here, along with Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands and Singapore on July 23.
The tablet was launched in the United States on April 3, but demand caused delivery delays to the international market.
It went on sale in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and Britain on May 28.
Vodafone today said its data plans for the Wi-Fi + 3G iPads would be $20 for 250MB and $50 for 3GB.
Apple said the Wi-Fi-only iPad models would have a recommended retail price of $799 for 16GB, $979 for 32GB and $1149 for 64GB, and the Wi-Fi + 3G models at $999 for 16GB, $1179 for 32GB and $1349 for 64GB.
The iPad would be on sale on the online Apple store, and at selected dealers.
The tablet has been available on TradeMe since shortly after its US release, with current auctions priced at up to $NZ1940.
More than one million Wi-Fi iPads were sold in the US, before the Wi-Fi + 3G version was launched, Apple said.