Two Fat Stags By The Bay owners Craig Youngman and Kaz Ansell moved their business from Waikaia in Southland after a "little birdie'' told them about the vacant premises.
He kept telling the couple about the "cool place out there'' and how well their food would be received, Ms Ansell said.
"So, we snuck out and had a look.''
They liked what they saw and on Friday, a few months later, opened the doors on their new venture.
Their signature meals include "beef two ways'' and "short shank redemption''.
Mr Youngman said although it was not a takeaway restaurant, all meals on the menu could be made to go.
The couple both have about 30 years' experience in the industry in New Zealand and Australia, and Mr Youngman is a gold plate winner.
Originally from New Zealand, they both moved overseas to work but were drawn back because it was "nice and quiet'', Ms Ansell said.
They did not know much about Macandrew Bay before the move, only that it was "an amazing looking place''.
Now, they are bringing their style of dining to the area.
"This is what we are; good food.''
The restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, and open for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the weekends.
JESSICA.WILSON @thestar.co.nz