Missing letters get adviser worried for his clients

Dunedin financial adviser Peter Smith is concerned some of his clients have not been updated on the status of their investments with failed Equitable Mortgages Ltd.

When he arrived back from holiday, Mr Smith, the principal of Kepler Group Otago, found that about half of his clients had not received a letter sent out by the receivers on December 21.

The receivers changed from PricewaterhouseCoopers to KordaMentha on December 22.

About 6000 depositors are owed $178 million by Equitable Mortgages.

They were covered by the government deposit guarantee scheme and their call was the first on the extended guarantee.

About $12 million of debentures were not covered.

Mr Smith contacted the receivers about the missing letters and was promised that letters would be sent out this Monday past, but he remained worried that other investors in Otago might not have received a letter from the receivers when they should have by now.

The Treasury website says payments are due to start in the first quarter of this year.


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