Help available for businesses, chamber says

Otago Chamber of Commerce chief executive Dougal McGowan. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Otago Chamber of Commerce chief executive Dougal McGowan. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Help is available for all businesses struggling to deal with the effect of Covid-19, Otago Chamber of Commerce chief executive Dougal McGowan says.

The chamber was looking to support all businesses — not just chamber members — over the coming months, he said yesterday.

A strong and supportive business community was needed now, looking after and supporting each other.

There was considerable hurt among many businesses and the key message was they should be seeking support and that they were not going through it alone, he said.

The chamber had a support line that people could ring or email and be connected with an appropriate adviser. Business mentors were also available.

Business support seminars for Otago businesses funded by NZTE through the Regional Business Partner Network, would be held for Coastal Dunedin (Clutha and Waitaki Districts) and Central Otago on March 26 and Dunedin on March 27.

Sessions would also be held on the likes of cash flow, business continuity, resilience and mental health in the workplace and tax relief packages.

Covid-19 had created uncertainty, as was illustrated with the incidents of binge shopping; people changed their discretionary spending habits and how they operated, Mr McGowan said.

It was important to make sure people did not socially isolate themselves during this time, while they physically needed to create some distance, they needed to retain social contact, even if it was just having a chat with someone at the Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting family, friends and businesses would ‘‘get us through’’ —‘‘we will come out the other side’’ — and businesses needed to be ready for when they did, he said.

In the meantime, he acknowledged the considerable hard times for many businesses and those working within them. 

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