Fonterra is investing $20 million in a conservation project to restore waterways in Northland, Waikato, Canterbury and Southland.
A 10-year partnership for the project was signed today between the Department of Conservation and Fonterra.
Conservation Minister Nick Smith described the programme, which will restore wetland habitats, better control nutrients, reduce pests and weeds and enhance native wildlife as a "major breakthrough".
"Fonterra's investment is the largest ever corporate contribution to conservation work, he said.
The programme will first involve significant dairy areas including, Kaipara Harbour in Northland, Firth of Thames and the Areare, Ruatuna and Rotomanuka Peat Lakes in Waikato, Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury and Waituna Lagoon in Southland.
As part of the project teams of farmers, conservationists, local authorities and iwi will develop action plans for each water body."
"Today's announcement is about investing time and resources to improve their quality so that we can all enjoy our natural environment at its best and ensure this can occur alongside a sustainable dairy industry," said Fonterra director John Monaghan.