Wool prices firm at sale

Wool prices firmed at last week's wool sale in Christchurch, with more than 95% of the offering selling.

New Zealand Wool Services International manager John Dawson said supply and demand was the main factor for the strong market, but an easing exchange rate helped.

A small offering of mid-micron wool had a mixed response from buyers, the finer end eased 4% to 6% compared with the December 9 sale, while coarser types rose 2.5% to 5%.

Fine crossbred fleece and shears were up to 1% stronger and coarse crossbred fleece and shears up to 2% dearer.

Oddments rose by up to 4% with shorter types in greatest demand.

A limited offering of early season lambs' wool eased by up to 2%.

Wool Partners International auctioneer Dave Burridge said second-shear crossbred fleece was up to 2% dearer.

He said prices had firmed for the last five sales but buyers were starting to discount wool contaminated with vegetable matter.

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