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Tuesday, Tue, 11 MarchMar 2025

Sharemilkers come third

Otago Sharemilker-Equity Farmer of the Year winners James and Helen Hartshorne have been awarded third place in the national final.

It was a Canterbury trifecta at the 2012 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards, with its regional representatives winning all three titles - the first time one region has scooped the pool.

Enda and Sarah Hawe won the Sharemilker-Equity Farmer of the Year, Mick O'Connor won Farm Manager of the Year and Nathan Christian won Dairy Trainee of the Year.

Mr and Mrs Hawe and Mr Christian are all employed by Richard, Jan, Ben and Shannon Johnson, from Ashburton.

While Canterbury was dominant, the judges noted other trends among this year's 36 finalists.

It was clear the changing nature of farm ownership structures was having an effect on how dairy farmers were planning future goals; there was greater consideration of environmental concerns and public perceptions of dairy farming; and finalists had developed strong support networks to help them progress in their careers.

The judges said Mr and Mrs Hartshorne, who are in their third season 50% sharemilking 540 cows for Hennie Amtink, at Tapanui, loved what they were doing and worked "tremendously well" as a team.

The couple, both originally from the United Kingdom, received $13,380 in prizes.


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