Prices ease at wool sale

Wool prices at last Thursday's South Island wool sale fell by up to 6% in response to the strengthening exchange rate.

Since the last South Island sale on September 10, the exchange rate has firmed 2% across a weighted index of main wool trading currencies.

At last week's sale merino fleece, 17.5 micron and finer, fell by 2% to 4%, 18 to 20 micron fell 1% and 18.5 to 19.5 micron between 3% and 6%.

Wool Services International reported that fine crossbred fleece was from firm to 3% cheaper, with shorter lots hit the hardest.

Coarse crossbred fleece fell 1% while coarse shears resisted the easing market the most, falling just 1.5% to 2%.

The price of oddments also held firm, with clothing types the only line to buck the trend of falling prices, rising between 2% and 4%.

Of the 13,900 bales on offer, 80% were sold.

Buyers from western Europe and China dominated the fine wool offering while carpet mills from New Zealand, Australia, the Middle East, India and China dominated the crossbred market.


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