Dairy expo expands focus to all things farming

Southern Region Dairy Expo-goers check out some of the sites during the last time the expo was held, in 2015. Photo by Nicole Sharp.
Southern Region Dairy Expo-goers check out some of the sites during the last time the expo was held, in 2015. Photo by Nicole Sharp.
The Southern Region Dairy Expo has had a name change.

It is now the Clydevale Farm Expo, and will take place on March 1 from 9am. It is organised by the Clutha Valley Lions Club.

Committee spokesman Dave Wardell said the name change was made because it was felt many people in the area did not attend the event because it focused on dairy.

He said with the change in name and focus to all things farming, they hoped to attract more people through the gate.

''About 90% of the exhibits are relevant to both dairy and sheep and beef,'' Mr Wardell said.

The third expo, which took place at Allan Grange Farm, Clydevale, two years ago, attracted about 600 people through the gate to see the more than 110 exhibitors.

''We will also incorporate a lamb competition on the day and possibly a speed shearing competition.''

Secretary Karen Tunnah said the event just kept growing.

The Clutha Valley School's PTA would be providing food as a fundraiser and there would also be a bar.

The Lions club uses the event as a fundraiser for projects in the area.

-By Yvonne O'Hara

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