Club building draws interest

This building faces an  uncertain future. Photo by <i>ODT</i>Files.
This building faces an uncertain future. Photo by <i>ODT</i>Files.
Dunedin community and sports groups have shown interest in buying the South Dunedin building of the United Services Community Club, which was placed in liquidation in July last year.

The building, on the corner of Prince Albert and Bay View Rds, has a capital value of $740,000 and tenders to Colliers International close on February 8.

Colliers' commercial and industrial broker Bill Brown said there had been "some interest", in the building since it was put up for sale late in December, including from local community and sports organisations.

The established facilities and building layout meant the interested organisations could potentially continue to operate the venue, but buyers were not looking to lease the building back to the community club, Mr Brown said.

Following an application by the United Services and Community Club Trust, the charitable trust that runs the club, it was placed in liquidation with Insolvency Management Ltd, of Dunedin.

Iain Nellies, of Insolvency Management, yesterday said creditors' claims were being assessed for a report, but he could not put a figure on what might be owed.

He said unlike other liquidations, where most creditors were "outside companies", the community club's debt was mainly within a group of associations and trusts.

The club, whose members were mainly from the RSA and Ex-Royal Navalmen's Association, was understood to have dwindling membership and fees and could not sustain running a bar and dining facilities.



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