Brief interruption for hotel

Liquidation was only a temporary problem for the Law Courts Hotel. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
Liquidation was only a temporary problem for the Law Courts Hotel. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
It is business as usual at the Law Courts Hotel in central Dunedin after the company which was leasing it was placed in liquidation, owing Inland Revenue an unspecified debt.

The Law Courts Hotel is continuing to trade, the building owners having taken over the lease and liquor licensing responsibilities, and retaining staff.

The former leasing company, Law Courts Hotel Ltd, was incorporated in January 2012, and was operated by Leslie Scott, of Dunedin, being the sole director and shareholder of the company.

It was placed in liquidation last Thursday, which will be undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Mr Scott said, when contacted yesterday, several factors had influenced the liquidation.

At a time when a $500,000 refurbishment, by himself and the owners was under way, ''cash flows got tight''. The bar takes were ''at least'' 30% to 40% down, January had been a ''terrible'' trading month and the new liquor licensing laws ''did us no favours''.

''It has been very tight in the [hospitality] industry all round,'' Mr Scott said.

He declined to reveal the extent of debt to the IRD. The liquidator's first report is due in a month.

The Law Courts Hotel is owned by Focus Properties 2009 Ltd. Director Greg Paterson said when contacted the hotel would operate as usual, with jobs retained.

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