Arthur Barnett store returns to Christchurch

An increasing number of mail order inquiries has led to Dunedin-based Arthur Barnett Ltd reopening its doors in Christchurch.

The 116m sq store opened this week at Hornby Dress Smart, carrying a range of items which includes make-up, skincare, fragrances and underwear.

The decision was driven largely by a rise in mail order placements from Christchurch-based customers, Arthur Barnett general manager Sue Smaill said.

Staff at the Dunedin store began fielding an increasing number of orders following the September earthquake and those orders had "grown exponentially" after the February earthquake.

The number of Cantabrians shopping in the Dunedin store had also risen.

"Opening a store in Christchurch is our effort at satisfying that local demand for our goods and services," she said.

The Christchurch store would continue to operate as long as the customer demand was there.

Arthur Barnett closed its Christchurch shop in 2006, as it had not been trading profitably.

It had previously traded at its central business district site for 17 years.


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