130,000 new jobs forecast by 2016

Christchurch's rebuild and Auckland's expansion are forecast to account for almost half of more than 130,000 new jobs during the next three years.

Employment growth in Auckland and Canterbury is expected to dominate national employment growth, accounting for 46% of an estimated 130,200 jobs between now and March 2016, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) said yesterday.

''Strong employment growth is expected in the construction and utilities industries over the next three years, while the prospects for employment in other industries vary over time,'' the MBIE forecast said.

The global economic outlook was better than six months ago, with a decline in negative risk, diminishing uncertainty about European recession and US growth prospects having strengthened, although prospects have weakened in Australia and China.

''This could dampen New Zealand's export demand and returns, although the Canterbury rebuild will provide a strong growth stimulus for the economy,'' MBIE said.

The Canterbury rebuild, estimated at $40 billion, was equivalent to 20% of annual gross domestic product. Residential property would cost $18 billion, commercial and social assets $15 billion and infrastructure $5 billion.

During the three-year period of the forecast, MBIE expected about 50% of overall growth to be in highly skilled jobs, such as professionals and managers.

About 35% of jobs are in the lower skilled category, including food processing, retailing, accommodation, agriculture and construction.


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