A Facebook friend (who’s also a friend in real life btw, not just a virtual one . . . although I have those too) recently shared a story by a New Zealand fashion magazine, aimed at young girls on the morning routines of three smart, successful, young NZ women.
I asked three successful, smart, honest local women to share with us their perceptions of success and their morning routines...
Debra Fellowfield, jewellery designer:
How do you define success?
Hmmm…It can be as simple for me as finishing a particularly complex piece, to getting through a massive amount of work in a day or in a week. Success to me is more of a feeling than anything else really. Satisfaction, confidence, elation. The feeling that YES things are great. For me success has very little to do with money or how many fans I have on Instagram.
Do you consider yourself successful?
Yes I think so, I feel pretty successful most of the time -there are not many people who are able make a full-time living out of their passion. I was going to use the word “lucky” but seriously luck has nothing to do with it, it’s just work, hard work and drive. Obviously success is different to every individual. I think it’s my ability to think outside the box (I never stop thinking ) and to constantly create and recreate. I never get too comfortable or complacent with what I do-I can be (I wish I wasn’t) fiercely competitive and I think that drives me to strive to be as good as I can be.
Run us through your morning routine...
First off I am not a morning person. I get up at 8am-coffee...Do not I repeat, DO NOT talk to me before coffee. Then I check emails, facebook, instagram, while thinking about having a smoothie for breakfast -but its too cold for healthy green sludge, so abandon that idea and have another coffee *( one day all the superfood supplements I buy and stick in the cupboard for when I start my "health kick" will be used..maybe) I am a Vegemite on toast kind of gal-or if it’s a shop day, poached eggs, avocado and loads of home-made chilli. But most days are Vegemite on Vogels. Then I throw on my work gear. My studio/workshop is at home, so it’s tracks, uggs, and an old sweater...I keep the ones with the holes under the arms, especially for the studio. I work with my husband so he jokes about how sexy I look…lol . I don’t bother with a bra cause I’m only going down the hallway-so what’s the point? That’s pretty much it-it’s pointless having a shower or cleaning my face, being girls cause it’s dusty, dirty and grubby in the workshop-I’ll do that later when work is done. If I leave the house it’s generally rush into a shower, brush teeth, slap on face moisturiser and sun block, if I am heading to the shop I’ll check my hair and maybe put some mascara on - throw on jeans, short boots, baggy sweater .I dress very “Dunedin “ most day’s
Fiona Clements (aka Fi Saurus) zero waste textile practitioner:
How do you define success?
I've never understood what the definition of success was before now. I didn't realise it was an intangible feeling, not a thing that you can attain by ticking all the boxes. For me it's a feeling that comes from achieving the goals I set out for myself, no matter how long it takes to attain them.
Do you consider yourself successful?
Yes I do now. I get people telling me I'm inspiring them on an almost daily basis and that empowers and uplifts me even more. Especially when you're a business of one and feel like you're flailing against the incoming tide of fast fashion. For the past nine months I've been able to mostly solely focus on growing my business and that has helped immensely with gathering feelings of success. The day will come very soon when I can fully support myself with my trade and that is the success I really strive for.
What's your morning routine look like? From the moment you wake up until the time you leave the house.
The first thing I do in the morning is sleep-in usually, depending on what time I get home. I'm creative so often work till the early morning, especially if I'm in productive modes and have a big project on. After that I get up, drink some water, put appropriate clothes on for the weather and take the dog to the beach for a morning walk/run/jog. Oh look! I've left the house already with no need to prepare myself, except clothing. Of course I will return for a full breakfast and a shower, before heading to my studio. Everyday is different so there isn't routine as such.
Jay Piripi, interior stylist:
What's your definition of success?
For me it's being happy with the direction you're heading and feeling as though you are growing as a human being whatever your circumstances may be it's not a static goal post it's something that's constantly evolving with you.
Do you consider yourself successful, if so why?
This year has been both exciting and challenging! I'm studying to become an interior stylist which has been loads of fun and is satisfying my inner creative. At the same time my wee family has faced some difficult personal battles, with my husband suffering a serious back injury earlier in the year, changing the dynamics of home life and routines. It hasn't been easy but I also believe I've growing immensely as a person and risen to meet these challenges, so yeah for me that's success.
What's your morning routine look like, from the moment you wake up until the time you leave the house?
My morning routine is usually quite chaotic I have my alarm set for 7 but I usually hit snooze until twenty past, I seem to live with varying degrees of exhaustion so I try to steal as many extra minutes as I can. I rummage around to find an outfit that on most days of the week consists of varying shades of black. Jump in the shower get dressed then run out to the living room to makes sure my son has him self dressed and has eaten at which point I realise I haven't made lunches yet or fed the animals and Its just about time to go I finally have it done and am yelling hurry up as I'm running out the door like a mad woman for school drop off. Return home put on my face in the fastest way possible, try and find my lap top and glasses Chuck a muesli bar and fruit in my bag If I'm really lucky I'll have just enough time before work to grab a coffee and scroll. If I'm not I settle for plunger at work. But often swimming bags are forgotten or saveloy money for the PTA fundraiser has been left on the bench and then the real fun begins. It's madness!