A Queenstowner who walked up and down Arrowtown’s Tobins Track for 12 hours, fundraising for Bowel Cancer New Zealand, was thrilled with the support she received.
Queenstown tourism infrastructure could benefit from changes to the international visitor conservation and tourism levy, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says.
Touted as a unique development for Queenstown’s Arthurs Point, five luxury home and income properties for sale off the plan will enjoy commanding views.
Fitting out a Queenstown CBD store with recycled materials, to reflect the retailer’s philosophy on sustainability, has been a winning formula for a local builder.
A long-time Queenstown restaurateur is fed up he and his customers have lately been issued parking tickets willy-nilly for pick-ups and drop-offs outside his Cow Lane establishment.
After taking the prestigious White Horse Cup off previously unbeaten Upper Clutha last Saturday, Wakatipu Premiers coach Jordan Manihera reveals this wasn’t even the team’s top priority.