Red-billed gulls in Otago are bucking the national trend with a gradual increase in numbers but questions remain about where they gather to breed and nest.
Place-based community funding provided by the Dunedin City Council is helping communities across the city develop a wide range of projects. The Star continues its series on the city’s place-based organisations, this week highlighting the work of the Brockville Improvement and Amenities Society. Simon Henderson reports.
Startup Dunedin’s Audacious programme highlights University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic students who are creating innovative business ideas. This week in the series, reporter Simon Henderson...
Building better business ideas is the mission for University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic students who have taken part in Startup Dunedin’s Audacious programme. This week in a series for...
‘‘Don’t buy land here.’’ The huge sign on the side of a shipping container at the entrance to Hawksbury Village displaying this message was short-lived, but the story behind the sign is a saga of tears, tantrums and turf wars.
Celebrating the talents of University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic students who have innovative business ideas is Startup Dunedin’s Audacious programme. In a series for The Star, reporter Simon...
A $10,000 donation by local business The Framing Factory is helping support the Orokonui Ecosanctuary as it continues the fight to preserve rare and endangered indigenous species.
Green Island School pupils (from left) Carlos Gose (9), Trowa Murray (8), Cooper Smith (9), Phoebe Telfer (8), Kairi Vehikite (9, obscured) and Stella Johnson (9) enjoy an...