A Southern Rural Life investigation has discovered the most popular name for a working dog in the South. One name came out on top in both Otago and Southland. Shawn McAvinue reports.
Bidders flocked to a sheep sale at the Waiareka Saleyards in Oamaru last week. Shawn McAvinue photographed some of the buyers and sellers at the auction.
More than 80 people attended a Beef + Lamb New Zealand field day at Rotherwood farm in the Maniototo last week. Shawn McAvinue photographed some of the crowd at the homestead before the farm tour...
Docking has been curtailed on a sheep and beef farm in West Otago. Shawn McAvinue talks to Avalon owner Allan Richardson about breeding cleaner sheep with shorter tails in West Otago.
In a series, Shawn McAvinue talks to southern farmers doing their part to control the rabbit population. This week he speaks to the Gunn family, of Coal Creek.
A sales pitch states a purebred Texel ram
produces lambs with the ‘‘get up and go’’ and
determination to ‘‘survive and thrive’’ in difficult
environmental conditions.
Shawn McAvinue asks Southern Texel
Breeders’ Club members showing their rams
at an open day in Gore last week what gives
you the get up and go to continue to survive
and thrive in the Texel breeding industry?
Blair and Sally Robertson and their daughters Jess (19), and Stella (4) inspect the sires of rams set to feature in their 13th annual on-farm sale at Merrydowns Romney and Southdown Stud in...
The death by suicide of a family member is a driving force behind a Dunedin woman launching a surfing programme to improve the mental health of farmers.
Cattle are getting bigger but the size of the stock crates on double-decker trucks taking them to meatworks remains the same, rubbing the skin on some of the tall beasts back to bare flesh, the...