The Otago conservancy is to be split in two under a restructuring proposal announced by the Department of Conservation yesterday that will cut 140 jobs nationwide.
A cut of 19 tonnes has been made to Otago's lobster fisheries commercial quota for the coming season after last year's low catch.
Newly appointed New Zealand Fish and Game Council chairman Peter Robinson has declined to comment on the progress of a complaint made by Otago councillor Dave Witherow against its chief executive.
The Otago Regional Council has held off releasing its long-awaited water quality plan change recommendations to ensure staff and councillors are ''singing from the same song sheet''.
A leading global warming sceptic, Lord Christopher Monckton, will speak in Dunedin next month. His visit is part of a national ''Climate Freedom Tour'' and will include a lunch and an evening function on April 23.
About one person drowned every three days during the summer in New Zealand.
Time for a walk, cycle or just curling up with a book eludes most Otago women.
''Marmegeddon'' ended yesterday as Marmite lovers flocked to supermarkets to pick up a jar of their beloved yeasty spread.
A management group will soon be formed to ''convert the good work and intent'' of the Pukekura reserves management plan at Taiaroa Head ''into action'', Department of Conservation Coastal Otago manager Robin Thomas says.
The Otago Regional Council wants to avoid a ''crisis'' and is urging mining rights holders for water to act well before their permits expire in 2021.
Moves to beef up measures to combat air pollution in Lawrence are backed up by the latest monitoring results.
As the rain has fallen, so have the temperatures.
All but one chick have survived one of the hottest and driest hatching periods experienced at the Taiaroa Head albatross colony.
A significant number of bores in North Otago are continuing to leak because of ''chemically aggressive'' water, despite Otago Regional Council policies seeking to prevent uncontrolled seepage.
Many proposed legislative changes flowing out of the Government appear to be a ''sustained attack on local democracy'', Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Woodhead says.
It is hoped greater international protection for New Zealand's native green geckos, including Otago Peninsula's jewelled gecko, will deter would-be wildlife smugglers from ''pilfering'' the country's wildlife.
There has been a 4.7% increase in the number of trips taken on Dunedin's buses in the past six months.
The rain expected early next week will not be enough to solve all the problems of the prolonged dry spell, but it will set up Otago to benefit from the next rainfall, hydrologist Dave Stewart says.
A short time frame for consultation on the Government's planned changes to freshwater management has been criticised by Otago and Southland iwi and local government leaders.
Proposed investment in Tarras Water's irrigation scheme has dominated discussion on the Otago Regional Council's draft annual plan even though it is not a topic up for public consultation.